Although the group of 20 gathering has been thrown together at short notice, amid inflated talk about constructing a new Bretton Woods Agreement to reform global economic governance, it can still play a valuable role. 尽管在创建新布雷顿森林体系协定、以改革全球经济治理的呼声高涨之际,20国集团(g20)会议的召开非常仓促,但它仍可以发挥重要作用。
Martin wolf looks ahead to post-crisis construction and the need for a regulatory overhaul as substantial as the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement. 马丁沃尔夫预测,危机后的建设和全面整顿监管的需要,将与1944年布雷顿森林(brettonwoods)协议一样意义重大。
Central banks have been net sellers of gold in only seven year since the ending of the Bretton Woods exchange rate agreement in 1971. 自1971年布雷顿森林汇率机制宣告结束以来,只有7个年份各央行是黄金净买家。
The most important, signed in 1944, is called the Bretton Woods Agreement. 最为重要的一个协定是1944年签订的布雷顿森林协定。
The conference at Bretton Woods also resulted in agreement to maintain fixed exchange rates between nations, but this has since been abandoned. 布雷顿森林会议的与会者们还同意在各国之间保持固定的外汇比价,但这一计划后来又放弃了。
In the stage of institution innovation ( from Gold Exchange 126 Standard System to Bretton Woods Agreement) the institution change is led by the innovative interest group-the American group. 在制度创新阶段即从金汇兑本位制到布雷顿森林体系,是创新型利益集团主导,即美国取代英国成为国际货币制度的供给者;